Our Treatments

Fungal nail infection

Fungal nail infections are common foot problems and often persist without causing pain or discomfort. Infections can cause the nail to become thickened, yellow / brown in colour and if untreated can spread to other nails, the surrounding skin and sometimes even the fingernails. Treatment often involves the application of a topical oil or preparation. Thickened nails will be debrided to help the topical medication penetrate properly.

Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot or “Tinea Pedis” is a common fungal infection which occurs between the toes, and often looks like cracked, peeling or blistered areas of the skin (usually between the 4th and 5th toes) which is red, scaling and can feel itchy and sometimes feel like its burning. If left untreated it can spread to the soles of the foot, and lead to further foot health complications.

Several fungal species can cause athlete’s foot and can be spread by walking barefoot in communal areas such as pools, showers and bathrooms especially where the skin can be moist or waterlogged. Once contracted wearing tight and cramped shoes can create a warm and dark environment for the fungus to breed.

Treatment consists of filing the areas of concern and if possible looking for cuts or blisters that may be infected. Application of anti fungal ointment and creams will be used to control the fungus and advice on correct footwear wear and personal hygiene will be given where appropriate.


Verrucae are fairly common and harmless warts that grow on the foot. However if left untreated and spread and look unsightly often leaving the patient self-conscious. Home remedies can be purchased however for quick removal or to treat persistent verruca you are best to visit a foot health practitioner.

Verrucae are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) passed through human contact often in moist, damp environments. Treatment will help to prepare the verruca to expose the lower layers for more effective treatment. A strong acid is then applied, such as salicylic acid to the verruca to destroy the infected skin.


Calluses are thickened and hard areas of skin which are generally not painful. Treatment is often needed when they become painful or when they cause problems and issues with wearing shoes. An assessment will determine why the callus has appeared in the first place to help avoid problems in the future. Treatment will be provided to help remove or reduce the callus as well as provide advice and information.


Corns (Heloma) are common foot conditions which occur from consistent pressure on areas of the foot and can be painful or tender. You can have a hard corn (often on the top, bottom or side of the foot), soft corn (often between the toes) or seeded corns (often on the heel or ball of the foot).

Treatment will help to enucleated the corn (remove the nucleus – which is the painful part), cover and protect if it is sore, and take action to prevent future corns. Advice regarding footwear is often given as this is the most common cause.

Ingrown, involuted & pincer nails

One of the most common foot problems are ingrown toenails. The most common area to get them are on the side of the big toe which can often appear swollen, red and if not treated can become infected. Ingrown toenails occur due to tight footwear, excessive flexible tissue around the nail but mostly due to incorrect cutting of the nail.

Involuted toenails are nails that curve and press down at the sides causing a build up of painful, hard skin. They can be caused by poor cutting technique, trauma, or badly fitting footwear. It is best to seek help as they can be very difficult to self-manage.

Pincer nails can be caused by fungal infections, psoriasis, medications, biomechanical or arthritic changes. The edges of the nails slowly approach each other, exerting pressure on the underlying skin and tissue.

Treatment for ingrown, involuted and pincer nails is based around cutting the nail that is causing pain and irritation whilst making sure there is no infection. Advice will be provided regarding proper nail cutting so that the future growth of the nail does not cause any problems to the patient.

Diabetic foot checks

Those with diabetes can often develop foot complications often resulting in loss of sensation (neuropathy) & reduced circulation (ischaemia). This can lead to risk of developing infections and decreased ability to clear infections. The main role of diabetic foot care is to educate patients, including the importance of routine preventative foot health care and correct footwear. Assessment will be undertaken annually as a minimum for all patients and more frequently if clinically indicated. This includes a monofilament test and checking of pulses in the foot. If required a referral will be made to your GP or a Podiatrist.

Cracked heels

Cracked dry heels are often referred to as “heel fissures”. Cracked heels can cause serious implication so its important to seek assistance as soon as possible. Certain factors and conditions can make the skin more vulnerable to cracked heels including diabetes, obesity, eczema and psoriasis, fungal infection, prolonged standing or walking on hard surfaces.

Whilst applying moisturiser and using a pumice stone at home can help, to stop the problem getting out of hand it is best to seek help. Treatment would involve filing the area of dry skin to expose the heels then applying special creams for cracked heels. Advice will also be given to help mitigate any future problems.

General care

You don’t need to have any of the above conditions to book an appointment. For many reasons, some people can not reach their feet and therefore they will need help and assistance with their foot care and health. Arthritis, painful hips, stiff knees or poor eyesight may put feet out of reach for many people and prevent them from maintaining healthy feet and toenails. Treatment involves filing and cutting toe nails, removal of dead skin, prevention and treatment of any of the above conditions on their feet. Advice regarding foot care and application of a specific foot care moisturiser.

Fingernail cutting

For many reasons people may be unable to cut their own fingernails. Treatment for existing foot health clients includes cutting, filing, and application of nail oil.

Please note that this service will incur an extra charge of £5 - it is not available as a stand alone treatment.



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